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Flowchart Algorithm Programming with Python and Entry

Course Introduction: Flowchart Algorithm Programming with Python and Entry

Welcome to the “Flowchart Algorithm Programming with Python and Entry” course, where you’ll embark on an exciting journey into the world of programming through a structured and intuitive learning path. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of programming concepts by first mastering the art of flowcharts, then reinforcing those concepts through block coding, and finally applying your knowledge with Python.

Why This Course?

  1. Foundational Learning with Flowcharts: Begin your journey by learning how to create and interpret flowcharts, the visual representations of algorithms. Flowcharts will help you break down complex problems into manageable steps, making the logic behind programming clear and accessible.
  2. Interactive Block Coding with Entry: Transition from flowcharts to block coding with Entry, a powerful visual programming platform. Block coding offers an intuitive way to understand programming logic without the need for syntax, allowing you to focus on the core principles of problem-solving and algorithm development.
  3. Advanced Programming with Python: Finally, take your skills to the next level by translating your block coding projects into Python, one of the most versatile and widely-used programming languages. Python’s simplicity and readability make it an ideal choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike.

Course Structure

  • Module 1: Mastering Flowcharts:
    • Understand the components and symbols of flowcharts.
    • Practice creating flowcharts for various algorithms and problems.
    • Learn how to read and debug flowcharts effectively.
  • Module 2: Block Coding with Entry:
    • Get hands-on experience with Entry’s visual programming environment.
    • Convert flowcharts into functional block code.
    • Solve a variety of challenges to reinforce your understanding.
  • Module 3: Python Programming:
    • Learn Python basics and syntax.
    • Translate your block code solutions into Python scripts.
    • Develop and test Python programs that solve real-world problems.

What You Will Gain

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: Enhance your ability to think logically and solve problems efficiently by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Visual and Practical Understanding: Gain a deep understanding of algorithms and programming concepts through visual representation and hands-on practice.
  • Versatile Programming Skills: Build a solid foundation in Python, equipping you with the skills needed for further studies or career opportunities in programming and software development.

Py-02 Basics
Py-03 Operators
Py-04 Variable, Input, Print, Data type
Py-05 List, Tuple
Py-06 Dictionary Set
Py-07 While For
Py-08 Function
Py-09 Recursion
Py-10 Scope
Py-11 Closures
Py-12 F Strings
Py-13 Modules
Py-14 Command line arguments
Flowchart Algorithm Programming with Python and Entry


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